Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Coexisting with the Locals

Sometimes getting along with the locals is extremely difficult.  Othertimes, it is very easy. 
For instance...

Then, there are the times when Mama thinks you are waaaaay too close to her baby, even though you are standing ten feet away.  

She charged me a few seconds after this adorable scene. 

I don't really have much to talk about, since all I've been doing the last few days is school related, so I'm just going to post more sea lion pictures.  :)    Disfrutalos!

Bebe Lobo Marino!!!!!

Okay, so these are actual locals.  This is Chancey playing with a bunch of local kids.  We were really afraid that someone was going to die (by that I mean, get hurt). 

My brother gave me a bunch of music in Spanish, some by Ecuadorian artists, last night, so I've been listening to those today.  There are also a bunch of songs that have been translated from English (such as, My Heart Will Go On from Titanic).  They are quite fun to listen to. 

I leave you with a parting quote from our class today.

"We only conserve what we love, we only love that which we understand, we only understand what we know, we only know what we are taught."
- Baba Dioum

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