Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Horses and Cows and Sea Lions: Oh My!

Yesterday we went up to Hacienda Tranquila to help with a therapeutic riding program they run for the local disabled kids there.  We led the horse up and down the road between the hacienda and the school in La Soledad while trying not to let the kid fall off.  It was just like working at Helping Horses, except for the Spanish.  Then, we ended up learning how to milk a cow and herd cattle.  It was interesting.  We definitely were not very good at it.  It was a lot of fun, though, and a pleasant surprise. 
Tomorrow, we're diving at Kicker Rock and doing a shark census, along with working on this project about sea turtles that I don't know if we'll ever finish.  Speaking of which...

Sea Lion hanging out in front of the front door of GAIAS

Me, Maureen, and Miranda

Milking a cow!

Butting heads

Saturday, October 22, 2011

House up a Tree and Me under the sea

Today I went up into the highlands to El Progresso with Katie, Maureen, and Gabi.  We went to El Ceibo, which is actually a giant tree with a house built in it.  The guy who built it showed us around.  There's a pole you can slide down from the house to the ground, a rope swing, a giant tire swing, a cave beneath the tree with a bed in it, and a place where you can climb up the tree.  It was a lot of fun.  We also had coffee and delicious banana bread while we were there. 
Then, we walked around the town.  There isn't much to do there, especially on Saturdays when apparently all the restaurants are closed.  Oops.  We walked up to see the first residence on the island, which was part of Manuel Cobo's plantation on the island and now pretty much consists of two stones walls and some stairs (not attached to the walls).  It was interesting and the view was fantastic.  We could see Floreana and Santa Cruz from the top. 

This week has been mostly working and studying (we had another exam Friday :(  so there isn't much else to tell.  Although, we did finally get to go scuba diving on Thursday.  We went with the class and they gave us a very cheap rate, which was great.  We first dove at the mouths of the bays where we snorkel a lot, Tijeretas and Carola.  There were lots of beautiful fish and urchins.  The only bad thing was that I ran out of air before we'd finished the dive.  Luckily, I'd been watching the gauge like a hawk and knew before it happened.  The guide had me use his alternate air source, which was interesting. 
On the second dive we went to a shipwreck called Caragua.  It was incredible.  There was a gigantic puffer fish along with lots of other little fishes.  It was also really cool to be able to look up and see schools of fish swimming overhead and the rays of light from the sun slanting down through the water.  I'm glad I finally got to use that open water certification.  I was also glad I remembered most of what we were supposed to do. 
El Ceibo

Going Down?

Tire Swing :)


Room with a view, this is Katie from UNC by the way


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bailando con los lobos marinos (Dancing with sea lions)

Today we went to La Loberia to get data for our research project about the behavior of sea turtles in their near shore habitats.  We saw over 20 turtles in the hour we were out there.  The water was warmer than I’ve ever seen it and the visibility was fantastic.  We found turtles resting in the sand, swimming through the bay, and feeding on the algae there.  We also had a few encounters with the sea lions who live there.  Yes, they are everywhere.  The bull, who we’ve nicknamed Bob, was swimming back and forth right off the beach, so we were a bit nervous about him when we started in.  Fortunately, he did not bother us, although another, smaller, sea lion did take an interest in us.  She swam out with us in the bay and danced with me.  It was incredible!  I’ve played around with the sea lions before, but never like this.  She would swim up until she was almost nose to nose with me and then shift and ducked under me.  Then, she’d spin around in the water and I’d do the same.  Then, she’d look at me and I’d spin again.  Then, she’d spin again. 
She stayed with us for a good ten minutes.  It was one of those amazing experiences I’ll never forget.  Looking into her eyes, I was struck by the innocence and the curiosity there.  I can’t understand why some people don’t think these creatures are worth protecting.

Green turtle surfacing for air

She blends in well, but there's a sea lion there. 
Green turtle resting on the bottom

Of course, spinning around in the water while breathing through a snorkel only works if you remember to clear the snorkel before trying to breathe through it again.  Oops.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Apparently, the waves were only medium-sized.  They sure didn't look medium -sized to me. 

Today, I almost died.  Unfortunately, I'm not exaggerating too horribly much.  You know that light you supposedly see right before you cross over?  Yeah.  Obviously, I'm writing this, so I did indeed survive with only minimal cuts and bruises. 
So, the story is that I went surfing today with my friend Miranda.  It was a rather spur-of-the-moment type thing.  We rented boards and jumped in a taxi with some random Ecuadorians who apparently knew where the best places to surf were.  Just to clarify, we did not know these people.  They ended up being very nice, but it was still really strange for me. 
So, first of all, we couldn't even stand up on our boards.  The Ecuadorians had a great time watching us try.  They attempted to give us instructions, but the language barrier didn't help.  Miranda speaks more Spanish than I do, but it was still a challenge for her.  They also seemed to think that it should be very easy.  It wasn't. 
We finally got comfortable paddling around on the boards and riding over waves without falling off.  Then, for some reason, we decided to go closer to shore where we had more chance of actually catching a wave.  This turned out to be a bad idea because we both ended up being knocked off our boards and tumbling helplessly in the water as wave after wave crashed over us.  What made this even better was that the shore where we were was lined by lots of volcanic rocks, so if we'd hit them, it would not have been pretty.  Every time I came up for air, I found myself looking at another giant wave about to hit me and push me closer to those rocks.  I kept screaming for help at the top of my lungs and I truly felt like I was going to die.  I've never been so scared in my life.  One of the Ecuadorian boys with us ended up saving me and helping me get back to the shore.  I was so happy to be alive and on land again.
Despite the moment of terror, I actually ended up having a lot of fun and it is even funny when I look back on the event.  I'm really not sure how that works.  It's possible I'm just crazy. 
Later that night after we'd eaten dinner, we walked up the path to Tijeretas (Frigatebird Hill) to look at the stars and watch the moon rise.  It was beautiful, and I saw a shooting star.  The unfortunate thing was that to get there and back we had to walk across a beach that is home to a sea lion colony.  We didn't have much of a problem going, but when we were coming back, we ran into a bunch of sea lions sleeping right by where the path entered the beach.  It was difficult to see them because of how dark it was, even with the light of the moon.  While one of the Ecuadorian boys felt comfortable running past them, Miranda and I refused to do so.  He also ended up getting chased down the beach by one of the largest male sea lions I've seen yet, so I feel quite comfortable with my decision.  We went another way and finally made it off the beach and back on the path, only to come across another bull sea lion sitting in the middle of the path.  We all dove off the path and into the foliage to let him pass and then continued, thankfully with no more sea lion encounters, back to the university. 

Oops!  The very first wave ended up breaking Danny's board.

Me and Miranda, afterwards

War on Mora

Yesterday, I went to the highlands with a group of local and international students to participate in the on-going struggle against the invasion of mora (or, in English, blackberry).  We headed to El Junco Lagoon, possibly the only freshwater lake in Galapagos.  The view was beautiful, as was the weather.  Apparently, when the other classes visited El Junco for a field trip, they could not even tell that there was a lake there because it was so cloudy.  We could see out over the highlands and all the way to the ocean from the top.  El Junco is located inside a volcano, which you may or may not be able to tell by looking at it. 
Anyway, I digress.  Mora is an introduced species to Galapagos, but it has flourished and overtaken much of the native vegetation of the highlands.  Best way to take out anger= use a machete to hack down a bunch of mora.  It does hurt, however, if you happen to get stabbed by the huge thorns the plant produces to protect itself.  This happened to me several times over the course of the afternoon and it is quite painful. 
To prevent the mora we cut down from growing back, we planted endemic miconia in its place.  We also contributed by eating as many of the blackberries as we could find. 
Overall, it was a fun experience and it made me feel like I was actually giving something back to the community. 
El Junco Lagoon
I really felt like a tourist on this bus
View of the Highlands from El Junco
Baby Miconia!!!

Scary, isn't it?
Baby miconia planted in the ground!

Big Miconia

The dark spot is a frigatebird who was looking for lunch in the lagoon

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Enchanted Isles

Every once in a while I look out over the ocean and think to myself, “I’m in the frickin’ Galapagos Islands!”  Some part of me still thinks that this could all be a dream.  After hearing about this place so often while growing up, it’s incredible to actually be here experiencing it.  However, it’s funny to me that even after learning about the Galapagos Islands so often in school, I had no idea what it was actually like.  In fact, I’m pretty sure I did not know that there were people living here until my class on Galapagos in college with Dr. Walsh.  When I think of the “Enchanted Isles” my first thought is of the boobies, sea lions, marine iguanas, giant tortoises, and other amazing creatures that live here.  I never think about the people. 
Charles Darwin is usually the first person to come to mind; however, his real contribution to the islands' history was incredibly small.  In fact, he pretty much screwed up everything he possibly could.  He didn’t bother to label most of his samples.  He had to depend on other people’s notes once he actually realized what he could have had.  The sailors on his ship ended up eating all the giant tortoises and throwing their unique shells overboard.  His actual research concentrated on the mockingbirds, not the finches.  I sort of feel like everything I ever learned about Darwin was a lie. 
San Cristobal is not really a tourist destination.  When tourists do come, they get off their cruise ships, walk along the Malecon (the boardwalk and the nicest part of town) and then take a bus the four blocks to the Interpretation center or to one of the many beaches nearby.  Then, they climb back on their bus, which takes them back to their cruise ship and away.  They never see the real Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.  Don’t get me wrong.  This place is so incredibly beautiful.  It takes my breath away each and every morning.  But there is trash everywhere.  Stray dogs, cats, and chickens can be found on every street.  The way that people live here is what I would call minimalistic.  They have everything they need.  People in this place are not poor; however, neither are they rich.  Many of the houses have the beginnings of an upward extension, metal poles that stick up into the sky like lightning rods, so that when their residents have the money to build up, they can.  The houses themselves are small and have that unfinished feeling to them.  The nicer places are usually hotels.  People come here to experience Galapagos, but they really don’t get the chance to do so. 
I’m interested to see what we do on our island hopping tour at the end of the month.  We’re going to visit the two other touristy islands, Santa Cruz and Isabela.  I’m curious to see how we’re going to see those islands, if we’ll only see the façade put on for foreigners or if we’ll get to see the real Santa Cruz and the real Isabela. 
Full Moon

The Real San Cristobal

Las Tijeretas

Frigate birds at Las Tijeretas

Me on the beach!

Last night there was a drum circle for the full moon.  A bunch of locals and tourists got together at the new Café del Mar and jammed and relaxed and had a great time.  I’ve been to drum circles on campus before, but this was somehow very different.  It reminded me of how far away from home I am, how different life is here.  There isn’t a tremendous amount to do here.  Sometimes I feel trapped on the island, as you can't really go anywhere else easily.  I can’t imagine how people who actually live here feel. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dos Fiestas, Uno Dia

Mom's been asking for a picture of me, so here it is.  Awkward snorkeling picture!  I'm pretty sure I was freezing by this point.  This was also around when we were swimming with a couple of sharks. 

A bunch of sailboats arrived in town either last night or super early this morning (I'm not really sure which).  Apparently the sailors were extremely drunk this morning, so I'm betting a lot of them got in last night.  Anyway, there was a fiesta on the Malecon to celebrate this sailboat race thing (or just because fiestas are fun).  There was cebiche (which is amazing).  It's some sort of seafood + lime + cilantro dish that is very popular here.  There was also cake, an adorable puppy, and free alcoholic drinks.  I'm not really sure why the alcohol was free, but they were making all sorts of random stuff and just giving it out for people to try.  It was awesome! 
Then, we went up into the highlands for another fiesta.  My host mom and her nephew came as well.  Unfortunately it was really cold and rained for most of the time we were there.  The gringos ended up getting too cold and having to leave before the rodeo (with horse racing and bull riding) happened.  I was a bit disappointed in that, but we at least got to see some of the horses and the bulls.  That was cool.  There were potato sack races and several futbol games. 
I'd gone to the school where the fiesta was held on Wednesday to help clean it up in preparation for the festivities.  The weather was a lot nicer, which was good because there's this area where you can walk up and see the ocean and Leon Dormido.  It is a gorgeous view.  Today, it was a bit too cloudy to see much.  I'm amazed by how much the weather can differ between the town and the highlands.  We drove for maybe twenty minutes and went from cold, rainy and miserable to cool, semi-sunny and pleasant.  I think I prefer the weather at sea level. 

Mother hen and her chicks on the side of the road (the chickens all just run free here)

Sea Lions and Sailboats


This is the view from the roof of my house

This is the house

This is what I would consider the garage.  The first door on the left is mine and my host mom's
You can kind of see Leon Dormido through the clouds/ mist/ rain

This is the cake that Sole, our professor, got Scott for his birthday.  He's had a sort of awkward relationship with the sea lions here.  They keep interfering in his transects. 

Me, Katy, Chancey, and Alexandra on the bow of the boat during our trip to Leon Dormido

And, of course, the obligatory cute sea lion picture. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Coexisting with the Locals

Sometimes getting along with the locals is extremely difficult.  Othertimes, it is very easy. 
For instance...

Then, there are the times when Mama thinks you are waaaaay too close to her baby, even though you are standing ten feet away.  

She charged me a few seconds after this adorable scene. 

I don't really have much to talk about, since all I've been doing the last few days is school related, so I'm just going to post more sea lion pictures.  :)    Disfrutalos!

Bebe Lobo Marino!!!!!

Okay, so these are actual locals.  This is Chancey playing with a bunch of local kids.  We were really afraid that someone was going to die (by that I mean, get hurt). 

My brother gave me a bunch of music in Spanish, some by Ecuadorian artists, last night, so I've been listening to those today.  There are also a bunch of songs that have been translated from English (such as, My Heart Will Go On from Titanic).  They are quite fun to listen to. 

I leave you with a parting quote from our class today.

"We only conserve what we love, we only love that which we understand, we only understand what we know, we only know what we are taught."
- Baba Dioum