Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I will always treasure this experience that I was so lucky to be able to have.  During the last week we were asked to finish the sentence, "You know you studied in the Galapagos when..." I thought I'd share some of the answers we came up with. can cut a steak with a spoon. plan your day and budget around Rico (the ice cream man who quickly learned that he could make lots of money off us when he came to the uni in the afternoon when we were all tired of studying). go back to real life and try to give a presentation barefoot (or for that matter, try to walk around town or into stores barefoot). press Alt Gr + Q to get an @ sign on a U.S. keyboard (technically, I never actually figured out how to do that, so I always had to google the at symbol and cut and paste it). 7:33 PM you have a strong urge to go to the panaderia for a postre.
...your standard response to a plate of food being placed in front of you is "Gracias, tiene aji?" (aji is a spicy condiment they use a lot in Ecuador). fall asleep on the beach to the sounds of barking sea lions and then wake up to find one inspecting you from a foot away! go home and still throw toilet paper in the trash can. ignore the existence of white rice (we were given that a lot).
...white rice is an acceptable side to pasta.
...applying sunscreen becomes as natural as breathing.
...your feet are scarred from kicking lava rocks and your only response is a nonchalant "Chuta".
...class assignments include snorkeling with sea turtles, sharks and manta rays, not to mention hundreds of fish. 

So, goodbye for now Galapagos.  You have changed me and the way in which I view the world dramatically.  I look forward to visiting you again in the future.  (Hopefully you will still be there).

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