Yay for the weekend, and not doing school work! Oops.
This weekend has been quite full. On Saturday, we got up relatively early and headed for campus to meet with about twenty other GAIAS kids and go to Otavalo. Getting there was a bit of a challenge, simply because it took three different buses and almost three hours. The scenery was beautiful though, so that mostly made up for the trip. On Saturdays, the main streets of Otavalo overflow with vendors trying to sell all manner of things to tourists and Ecuadorians alike. Haggling is expected, usually. There was only one instance where a woman looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to haggle with her. We wandered around the market and managed to lose almost everyone else. It was incredibly difficult to stay together in the crowded streets, but we managed to at least stick with one other person most of the time. After successfully spending most of the money we'd brought, Katie, Miranda, Maureen, Scott and I took a taxi up a nearby mountain to go to Parque Condor. In the rehabilitation center for injured or abandoned birds of prey, there were all sorts of hawks and eagles and even an Andean Condor, the avian emblem of Ecuador. The free flight show was amazing as well. Birds of all sizes, from peregrine falcons to gray hawks, were allowed to fly around an outdoor ampitheater and over the city below us.
Then, we walked back down the mountain to El Lechero, the magic tree situated on a hill by itself. The view was great, although I'm not sure how much magic we felt.
The trip back was even more arduous than the trip to Otavalo had been. We took a taxi back to the bus station in Otavalo and got the bus to northern Quito. Then, we managed to miss the bus to Rio Coca, the main bus station in Quito. We walked a little ways (there were seven of us at this point, so it was less sketch than it sounds, although it was dark by this time). Then, we decided to catch a taxi to Rio Coca. From there, we took a bus to Cumbaya. In Cumbaya, we stopped to get a drink to end the night on a high note. We asked for Pilsners, the most popular beer of Ecuador. The waitress brought us five enormous bottles of beer. We drank every bit of them. Finally, I took a taxi home in the dark by myself. It was a bit disconcerting, but the driver was nice and I made it home safely.